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Welcome to the TASB Happiness Resource Page!
It was great being with you! This page has a few things to help you continue your journey into using your strengths via the TASB Story. It includes things shared last year!
(Note: this page and its resources will be available until May 31, 2024)
The Strengths Wheel can be used to make a graphical representation of the extent to which strengths are used (current use) and the room that exists to use the strengths more (scope). The center of the circle represents a score of ‘0’ and the outer rim, a score of ‘10’. The circle has 5 segments.
Click on the image and download and print.
In each segment, place two marks indicating (1) to what extent, from 0 to 10, you currently use that strength in the chosen context (e.g., work); and (2) how much scope, from 0 to 10, there is for using that strength more in that context. Next, draw create a triangle that connects the two marks. The bigger the gap between the current use and the scope, the bigger the triangle should be, indicating the more potential for using that strength more. If the triangle points outward, room for growth. If it points inward, you may be using that strength too much.
From 2023
Download your Tool Kit!
Didn't get a chance to take the Strengths Survey/Quiz? You can still take it. Click on the link below:
Keynote Slides - Click on Photo Below:
Download some Superpower Cards you can use daily to help you focus on your strengths!
Print and cut out a superpower mask!
To the Wonderwomen of TASB... Check out my retreats designed just for women - Camp Atta Girl! There's one in Texas just outside Waco and one in the Berkshires in Massachusetts!
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