Finding Your Superpowers!
Tap into Your Top Strengths to Increase Your Happiness Using This Card Deck!
​Would you like to become happier? Accomplish goals? Reduce stress? Boost your confidence? Then the Finding Your Superpowers Card Deck is for you.
The Finding Your Superpowers Card Deck is a unique positive psychology/happiness tool to help you tap into your strengths and create a more positive life at work, at home and at play. Whether you want to increase your happiness, pursue an important goal, or just want to learn how you can tap into the best part of you, this deck can help.
Use this deck to focus on your strengths so you can:
Improve your relationships
Enhance your overall wellbeing
Build your resilience
Strengthen your ability to overcome problems
Increase your performance at work and school
Achieve your life goals.​
Make you happier in every aspect of your life!
And so much more!

The Deck...
The deck contains 32 cards, including 24 strength cards and instructions on how to use the deck, both for personal use, for use with your family and friends, or to use with employees and clients.
Details on how to find your strengths
Each strength card is color-coded based on its area of virtue: wisdom, courage, temperance, humanity, transcendence and justice.
Includes extra cards such as the "Super Hero" card and chart card to use as reference with all the strengths.
Each strength includes a rallying superpower "mantra" for you to live by.
The deck is colorful and fun while being useful and engaging!
Use on your own or with your clients, students, or your employees!

Are you a coach working with your clients and their strengths? Maybe you are a teacher and bringing character strengths into the classroom. When you know the strengths of your clients, students or employees, you can guide them more effectively and authentically. And this tool can help you work with them in a fun and unique way so they focus on what's great about them, not what they think they need to change.

The deck was created to work as a fun and complementary tool for those working with their character strengths! Learn more about character strengths here.
Want to order more than 6 decks? Reach out to us at for bulk orders.